Photo By: Richard Lamoureux


Our mission is to protect nature in Muskoka.  Here are some of the ways you can help!

  • Become a Member (or Renew your Membership)

    With an annual donation of $95, you become a Nature Steward and a member of this dynamic organization, significantly contributing to our mission of protecting and caring for Muskoka's natural spaces.


    Your name will be listed in our Annual Report as a significant supporter with donations of the following:

    • Protector ($500)
    • Conservator ($1,000)
    • Guardian ($2,000)
    • Visionary ($5,000)

    We welcome gifts of any size.  Any donation over $20 will be issued a tax receipt.


  • Pre-Authorized Monthly Giving

    Monthly donations give us a regular heartbeat.  By donating in this way, you are providing stable, ongoing funding which allows us to concentrate on doing the work we need to do - protecting the land we love! Your pre-authorized payments each month go a long way in helping us achieve our mission.


  • Memorial Donation

    What a wonderful way to honour the memory of a loved one, or perhaps to mark a significant milestone, achievement, birthday or anniversary!


    We would be pleased to send a card of acknowledgment to the family of your loved one, or to the individual you are honouring.  As well, acknowledgement of your donation will appear in our Annual Report, and you will receive a charitable tax receipt.


  • Corporate Supporters

    Your business is a good corporate citizen, so how can you partner with Muskoka Conservancy to have a meaningful impact in your community? 

    Corporate sponsorships can have many forms. Great examples include our media partnership with Unique Muskoka Magazine and our trail building partnership with Muskoka Brewery. These arrangements can include a combination of financial support, in-kind support and employee involvement. They all help to advance nature conservation across Muskoka. We’ve been working off and on with companies like Living Wood Design, Muskoka Roastery and Canadian Tire for decades and we understand that capacity and corporate interest can evolve over time.

    It starts with a conversation.  Please call Scott Young, Executive Director, to talk about how we can create a customized partnership that will generate benefits for all.

  • Donate a Car

    You can turn your vehicle donation into generous dollars to support Muskoka Conservancy! Working on our behalf, Donate a Car Canada will accept your vehicle for donation -- running, or not! Old or new!

    There is no cost to you, and the process is incredibly easy! Donate a Car Canada will facilitate all aspects of your car donation from the pick up to the final sale, ensuring that your vehicle will be sold for the highest sale outcome possible. They will then forward the net proceeds on to us here at Muskoka Conservancy and we will send you a tax receipt!

    Click here to donate your car today!

Planned Giving  ~ Your Legacy

  • Gifts in Your Will

    “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” - Mary Oliver

    Benefits to leaving a gift in your will

    • Control ~ You retain full control of your assets during your lifetime. 
    • Tax Savings ~ A bequest, or a gift made in your will, produces a tax credit of up to 100% of your estate’s taxable income on your final income tax return. This credit may be carried back to the previous year. This is potentially a huge benefit to your heirs.
    • Tax Receipt ~ Your estate receives a charitable tax receipt for the full amount of your gift. 
    • Wilderness Matters  ~  You will ensure the natural spaces in your beloved Muskoka are protected for future generations.

    How do I go about leaving a gift in my will?

    Start with a conversation with your legal advisor. Think about whether you wish to gift a specific amount (a stated sum of money) or a percentage of your estate (giving a percentage keeps your gift in line with your assets as they change in value), or specific holdings such as real estate, securities, or other items. There is more information on this below.

    If you are preparing a new will, discuss your intentions with your lawyer, who will help you draft the appropriate clauses.  

    Suggested wording:

    “I leave to the Muskoka Conservancy (47 Quebec St, Bracebridge, Ontario P1L 1T8), $ _________ .  I direct this money to be used for the general purposes of the Muskoka Conservancy.”

    If you already have a will in place, you may wish to consider adding a codicil to your will.  A codicil is an amendment that allows you to change part of your will while leaving the rest of it as is. 

    Professional advisors suggest that you review your will every five years.  A change in your life situation such as marriage, divorce, childbirth, a death in the family, or a significant change in your financial assets are examples of life changes that merit a review of your will. Is now the time?

    You will need to know this information

    Legal Name: Muskoka Conservancy 

    Address: 47 Quebec St., Bracebridge, Ontario P1L 1T8

    Charitable Organization #: 89040 8883 RR0001

    For more information on the benefits to your heirs, charities, and tax breaks, click the link to

  • Gifts of Stocks / Securities

    A gift of publicly listed stocks can be a win-win for both you and Muskoka Conservancy.  There is no tax on capital gains for donated publicly listed securities (a stock, mutual fund, or bond listed on the TSX, NYSE, etc.).

    You don’t pay capital gains tax AND you get a charitable tax receipt, so the cost of making a gift in this manner can be much less than if you made a gift of the same amount in cash. 


    The process is simple.  At your direction, your broker will electronically transfer your securities to Muskoka Conservancy.  Our broker will then facilitate the sale of the stock on the day your gift is received.  Based on the sale price, we issue you a charitable receipt for 100% of the funds received.


    Contact Muskoka Conservancy for a template with the complete account details.

    Questions?  Please contact Scott Young, Executive Director at 705.645.7393 for more information.

  • Gifts of Life Insurance

    Consider naming Muskoka Conservancy as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy.  This is an affordable way to arrange a significant future gift without diminishing your current financial resources.  Your gift goes directly to Muskoka Conservancy upon your death and is not considered part of your estate.  In this way , you avoid associated probate fees. Your estate will be issued a charitable tax receipt for the entire amount in the year the gift is received.

  • Gifts of RRSPs, RRIFs, TFSAs

    These three well-known savings vehicles can potentially make up a large portion of accumulated assets at death.  Naming the Muskoka Conservancy as the beneficiary of the proceeds of your RRSP, RRIF, or TFSA can provide a significant future gift to our organization and contribute greatly to the ongoing protection of natural spaces here in Muskoka. Your gift goes directly to Muskoka Conservancy upon your death and is not considered part of your estate. 

    Consider speaking with your financial advisor to make this simple change in beneficiary designation.

  • Gifts of Land

    Consider the positive environmental impact of donating land… a legacy for tomorrow, a tax break today.

    What are the tax benefits of donating land?

    The Ecological Gifts Program was created in 1995 by the federal government to allow donors of qualifying land or conservation easements to receive significant tax benefits:

    • A charitable receipt for the full market value of the qualified land *can be applied against an individual’s net annual taxable income (corporate donors deduct the amount directly).
    • A 10-year period to apply the receipt to income
    • No tax on capital gains for capital gifts
    • No limit on total value eligible for deduction / credit in any 1 year

    *Note: “Qualified land” means the land must be certified as ecologically sensitive.  Learn More

    What if I am an American landowner?

    Muskoka Conservancy partners with the American Friends of Canadian Land Trusts / Canadian Conservation, offering tax benefits to American landowners who wish to protect their ecologically significant land.

Questions? Contact Us!


If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.

Vincent van Gogh


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